No Taming This Shrew


Audience Analysis

Tobacco lawsuit -- 4 comments
Naked blogging -- 13 comments

NOW I know who I'm dealing with! Hilarious.

I'm hopefully watching a movie premiere this evening -- my friend C. has been working on a short film for over a year. It was inspired by the cicada invasion last summer and is only now coming to fruition. He's a fabulously creative guy, and he works with very funny and clever people, but he refuses to let this film go. (He's terrible at finishing other films,'s a metaphor for lots of things, I think.*) I've still got a bet that he'll call the thing off at the last minute and blame technical difficulties. Perhaps he worries that no one will like it, I don't know. (All I know is that the majority of his friends, including moi, are in the damn film so of course we'll love it!)

*Best inadvertant metaphor for life yesterday -- Birmingham Boy calls in to work and says he can't come in because his car is stuck in Park. Hilarious.